Monday, October 18, 2010

Halfway through the semester!!!!!!

Wow where has the time gone?? I'm already halfway through my 3rd semester in college! Less than two  months till Christmas break! Then one more semester and then will receive my Justice Studies diploma!!! :D 

School is going good, I'm enjoying all my classes but one which has absolutely nothing to do with the program so I don't know why we even have to take it :o and I just stay out of the drama. I'm here for an education, not for the drama
Practicum is going well, I really enjoy it! 

Other than school, just been busy with work and karate. Karate is going well as usual and work is going alright.   

So many things to look forward to! 
- Halloween
- End of the semester
-Christmas which means baking! =p 

Not so much the final exams but it will be all good =) 

1 comment:

  1. I hate baking!!!! If I bake, I EAT, if I eat, I gain weight!! lol. Wish chocolate cookies were low in fact, but there aren't.
