Sunday, October 31, 2010


Happy Halloween!!!
Hope your Halloween is fantastic and safe!

Here are my two pumpkins! 

Have Fun Trick or Treating and be safe! 
Don't eat too much candy! haha

Monday, October 18, 2010

Halfway through the semester!!!!!!

Wow where has the time gone?? I'm already halfway through my 3rd semester in college! Less than two  months till Christmas break! Then one more semester and then will receive my Justice Studies diploma!!! :D 

School is going good, I'm enjoying all my classes but one which has absolutely nothing to do with the program so I don't know why we even have to take it :o and I just stay out of the drama. I'm here for an education, not for the drama
Practicum is going well, I really enjoy it! 

Other than school, just been busy with work and karate. Karate is going well as usual and work is going alright.   

So many things to look forward to! 
- Halloween
- End of the semester
-Christmas which means baking! =p 

Not so much the final exams but it will be all good =) 

Friday, October 1, 2010


Today is the first day of October, which means the first month of school has gone by! 

Weird start to the month! 
We were sitting in our Crisis Intervention class at 9am about to have a quiz, Our instructor leaves to go photocopy something. All of the sudden the fire alarm goes off and there was an announcement "Emergency in the building, please stand by for announcements" So we thought it might've been a lock down so we shut the door and turned off the lights! 
The announcement kept going on and saying the same thing over and over and we couldn't stop laughing. 
We then got one saying there was a fire in the building and please evacuate! We were on the 7th floor running down the stairs, by the time we got to the 5th floor a HUGE mob of people came and were soo slow going down the stairs, one stopped in front of me and I almost ran into her! 
We saw 1 fire truck but no sirens. Maybe there was a fire in the kitchen or something burned! We waited outside about 3 blocks away from school for about 30 minutes, it was COLD and windy!!! Then they told us that were able to go back in which took a while due to the big crowd!  
We found out that it was a false alarm and just was a practice drill! 

Overall September has been a good month other than receiving sad news about my grandma and the fact that my social life is over :( since i got school 3 days a week and practicum twice a week! Which I don't mind!  Then i gotta work on the weekends :( 

I received MVP for my softball team 

School is going well, I love all of my classes! 
Practicum is going well, I really enjoy it! 

My favorite part about October is Thanksgiving as and Halloween!! 
Thanksgiving since I love turkey and mom's homemade stuffing! :p  
Halloween... I miss the fact that I cant go out trick-or-treating anymore :( but handing out candy still can be fun (not really) but seeing different costumes is pretty neat!  Candy is the BEST part of Halloween! 

My main goal for this month is to continue doing well in school, avoid procrastination when it comes to studying for exams.