Thursday, September 23, 2010


Sadly its true with the fact that we have to realize that:

"Life is no nintendo game" (Eminem). 

There are no second chances. 

"Life is too short to worry about the little things; Enjoy what you have today, not what you might get tomorrow!"  (unknown) 

When something happens to you that isn't a big deal the best thing to do is move on and not worry about it. Worry about things that are way more important such as an illness in your family. We all tend to worry about little silly things that in the big picture isn't a big deal. 

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" (George W. Bush)

This means if you your friend treat you badly the first time, shame on them but if it happens again its your own fault because you are allowing them to treat you like crap, and it may happen over and over again, but you are allowing it to happen. The best thing is to just move on and not be friends with them since they keep treating you like crap and all that does is make your life miserable. You don't want that to be a problem in your life especially if its a friend! A good friend doesn't treat you like crap! A good friend would respect you, be loyal, be themselves, never lie to you, listen and share with you. You have to look at it in the big picture are they a good friend or not? Remember life is too short to worry about little things! It's best to enjoy your life as much as possible. 

If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine. (Morris L.West)

1 comment:

  1. I love these quotes! and the comments you put under these quotes is very true and clear. Especially the fool me once... We see it happen all the time, even to me!
    Keep up the good work
